MacMillan Nitrate Negatives - Crocker Land Expedition 1913-1917
Showing 1 to 34 of 34 Records |
Polar Bear held up by two Eskimos [Inuit]
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Borup Lodge
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Eskimo [Inuk] dog. See-nul-nuk
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Dog team head on. E-took-a-shoo (Ittukusuk) on way home.
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Dog team travelling in water on ice
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ah-nee -nah with baby on her back
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ah-now-ka (Aunakaq) in Kayak
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ah-wee-a (Aviaq)
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ah-wee-a (Aviaq)
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ak-kom-mo-ding-wa eating walrus meat
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ak-pood-ah-shaho with killing iron
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
In-you-gee-to's family by tupik
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ka-Ko-chee-ah holding an egg to sun
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Ka-Ko-chee-ah getting eggs of Sea Pigeons from crack
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Meg-is-soo 2nd
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Shoo-e-ging-wa [Suakannguaq Qaerngaaq] with pup
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Shoo-e-ging-wa [Suakannguaq Qaerngaaq] and white puppy. Coat a bluish gray. Boots ivory.
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Shoo-e-ging-wa [Suakannguaq Qaerngaaq], Coat a bluish gray. Boots ivory
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Tah-ta-rah having a sun bath; without cap [Taterau]
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Tah-tar-rah on robe outside winter quarters
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Foulke Fiord & Ellesmere Land from head of fiord
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Sonntag's grave
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Harpoon made from Narwhal Horn
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Kayak- Oodee bringing home a seal
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
MacMillan on his return from the Polar Sea in 1914
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on glass
20th century Greenland Image
MacMillan taking observations
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Peary record, June 28, 1906, found on Crocker Land Expedition
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Building a snow house [Inukitsorujuk's snow house]
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Just finishing a snow house
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Eight exposures of midnight sun in Smith Sound from Sunrise Point begin 11pm
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
Young eiders in nest
Donald Baxter MacMillan
silver gelatin on nitrocellulose
20th century Greenland Image
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