[Spencer Apollonio, Bowdoin graduate, on] Ice Island T-3 observing east end of island
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Arctic Ocean Image
Access route - Greenland Ice Cap to Centrum Lake base by Graeselv River
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Access route in Northeast Greenland to ice cap and down to Centrum Lake.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Advance party of US Army Ice Cap Expedition (Lead Dog Operation)
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Aerial view of Cape Morris Jesup; ocean in partial melt; southwest to ice cap
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Aerial view of Danmarks Fjord.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Aerial view of delta at Centrum Lake. Note braided stream of Graeselv River
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Aerial view of the airfield site on silt-clay flat at Bronlunds Fjord.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Airstrip at Centrum Lake seen through helicopter window. Ice cover
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Army helicopter H-34 picks up Needleman from Centum Lake. Ice still on lake
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Bronlunds Fjord marked natural surface airstrip site.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Cabaniss examines hinge crack between ice island T-3 and pack ice
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Arctic Ocean Image
Cabaniss removing block of ice cut from Lake for strength tests
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Camp site on north shore of Centrum Lake, moat starting at edge of lake.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Cape Harald Moltke near site of Bronlunds Fjord, Peary Land.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Cape Harald Moltke, Bronlunds Fjord, aerial view, northwest.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Cape Morris Jesup Valley. View southeast
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Centrum Lake is melting . Free water on surface, several holes in ice developed
Stanley Needleman
stereo transparency
20th century Greenland Image
Centrum Lake melting near center area. Weasel negotiates soft ice easily
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Centrum Lake moat is widening. Frank Maher is probing the safety of ice
Stanley Needleman
stereo transparency
20th century Greenland Image
Centrum Lake Valley. View from the west. Ice cap in the background.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Checking edge of Greenland Ice Cap for access route to Centrum Lake
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Close-up aerial view, edge of Greenland Ice Cap in Centrum Lake area
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Close-up of engineering test to determine bearing strength of surface using jeep
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Close-up of snow mound in melting condition of snow cover.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Close-up view of frozen icebergs [floes] in Independence Fjord.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Close-up view of ice in Independence Fjord near Bronlunds Fjord.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Close-up view of single dish of array as a crevasse detector
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Coring the snow-ice cover of the lake (Lake Peters)
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Count Eigil Knuth, archaeologist, gov't.of Denmark, shows report to Atka crew
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Dan Krinsley landing at ice cap base near Graeselvev River
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Dan Krinsley, U.S.G.S., indicating needle ice at Centrum Lake during thaw
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Dan Krinsley, USGS, stands at point of drainage of Saefaxi River into lake
Stanley Needleman
stereo transparency
20th century Greenland Image
Davies and Lt. Col. Wilson examine contents of and leave note in cairn
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Debris and large rock on T-3 ice island, Arctic Ocean. Cabaniss is geologist
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Arctic Ocean Image
Deflectometer installation in sea ice. Tire is runway marker. Sea ice near T-3
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Arctic Ocean Image
Dobbelsodal Lake [Dobbeltsoen] at Cape Morris Jesup, looking north.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Drilling 90 drill holes through the snow and ice cover of Centrum Lake
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Drilling 90 holes in lake ice cover to determine thickness. Stan Needleman
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Drilling hole for deflectometer tests on sea ice runway at Thule Bay. Bulldozer
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Edge of Greenland Ice Cap in Peary Land. Locating a suitable access route down
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Edge of Greenland Ice Cap in Peary Land. Searching for access to Centrum Lake
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Edge of Greenland Ice Cap to locate access route down from the Ice Cap
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Enroute - Thule AFB to Polaris Promontory by icebreaker U.S.S. ATKA
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Exploring Saefaxi River to Greenland Ice Cap, exposure suits in use
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland image
Filling portable heaters with fuel for temperature measuring. Prevent freezing
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Frank Maher is standing on ice float breaking off from ice cover on Centrum Lake
Stanley Needleman
stereo transparency
20th century Greenland Image
Frank Maher standing on gravel pushed by Centrum Lake ice onto northwest shore.
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
Frank Maher stands in Saefaxi River which drains into Centrum River and measures
Stanley Needleman
stereo transparency
20th century Greenland Image
Gauging water level in moat at Centrum Lake to monitor melt conditions
Stanley Needleman
35mm slide
20th century Greenland Image
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