Rear Adm. Donald MacMillan at home,91st birthday
Miriam MacMillan in a living room
Miriam MacMillan having coffee in Danish official's home (2 copies)
Miriam MacMillan in living room with portrait and narwhal tusk floor lamp
Donald MacMillan living room showing his portrait by Oppenheim
Lucas Martin's wife
wife of Lucas Martin
Mr. Keat's baby
Engingwah holding dog, with Eskimo woman sewing
Inuit family in living room
Jerry Look in MacMillan home
Jerome Look in easy chair
Two older women by window with geraniums
Fireplace in MacMillan home
Corner of MacMillan living room
Mrs. Rosen at the seminary piano
Maurice Tanquary, Harrison Hunt, Jerome Allen and two Inughuit men at table in Borup Lodge
Couple in their living room. Woman is Inuit (wrong temp ID)
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Last updated: 09/13/2024