Needleman and Davies on Greenland Ice Cap during a storm whiteout condition.
Destroyed jeep in foreground. Jack Crowell prepares markings on runway
Needleman runs jeep engine daily on back deck of USS Atka, icebreaker
Helicopter from USS Atka carries jeep trailer from Polaris Bay to runway site
Helicopter from USS Atka picks up jeep trailer and transports it to the base
Jeep and trailer on shore of Polaris Bay after landing by barge from USS Atka.
Landing craft returns to USS Atka in Polaris Bay
Jeep with plow scraped down high spots on runway to level the surface
Refueling jeep on runway at Polaris Promontory. Note red flags placed on lake
Field party: Needleman, Capt. Klick, Craven, Molineux, and Joseph at base camp
Effect of grading by tractor leveling high uneven areas on runway, Polaris Promo
C-130 aircraft being loaded with airdrop bundles of fuel, food and equipment
Disabled jeep is pushed on board Air Force C-130 aircraft by the tractor
C-130 aircraft landing personnel and equipment after test completed
View east to delta and base camp from terrace on S.E. shore. Krinsley foreground
Initial camp site at Centrum Lake, raised delta location
Unloading of weasel snow vehicle from C-130 ski aircraft on Centrum Lake
Personnel of Centrum Lake Expedition leaving Thule AFB by ski aircraft.
Unloading of C-130 aircraft of equipment, supplies and vehicles in the snow
C-130 ski-aircraft landing on snow covered Centrum Lake.
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Last updated: 10/11/2024